
Comgest is an independent, international asset management group, which since its creation in 1985, has pursued a long-term "Quality Growth" and responsible investment style. Comgest serves investors around the world who share its long-term investment horizon.
The company has always been 100% owned by employees and founders – as a partnership, our interests are aligned with those of our clients. We have been serving professional clients in the Netherlands since the ‘90s. In 2001 we engaged a third party to market our products and service our customers but subsequently acquired that business in 2016.
Despite our small size in a financial world dominated by very large investment firms our brand recognition among our client base is high. The Netherlands was early in its adaptation of responsible investing and as a quality growth investor, we naturally consider many non-financial criteria in our assessment of investment candidates. We believe that ESG factors have a tangible impact on long-term performance and ESG analysis is fully integrated into our stock selection process.
This enhances our investment strategy as it enables us to better understand a company’s culture through its core values, the way its management prioritises various projects and the overall decision-making process.
For over 35 years, we have continued to focus on one objective: delivering quality growth over the long term. We strive to create value for our clients in a replicable way.
To do this we look to invest in companies with durable competitive advantages that are able to compound shareholder value at above average rates, for an extended period of time. We believe sustainable earnings per share growth (EPS) leads to above-average investment returns at below-average risk. We think, act and invest globally.
Our products provide access to our best ideas across international equity markets, unconstrained by benchmarks. We limited ourselves to a select number of equity strategies, which is rather rare in an industry that has a tendency to chase fads and trends.