Altares Dun & Bradstreet

Since 1935 Altares Dun & Bradstreet maintains the world's largest commercial database together with partners all over the world.
With detailed information on more than 500 million companies, in over 200 countries we help companies mitigate credit risk, fight fraud, comply with sanction regulations and support data driven sales & marketing processes.
Our data is used by 90% of publicly listed companies and several government institutions (preferred supplier of the European Commission).
Dun & Bradstreet sold its interests in the branches in Belgium and The Netherlands to the French company Altares in 2016, because D&B believes that local independent partners have more focus and have a closer connection to local databases.
This is where our French roots come in. With yearly international kick-offs and meetings, we aim to keep a strong connection with our French counterpart. We’re an international company with local entrepreneurship.