2024 : Rencontres franco-néerlandaises de l'urbanisme

"Les Rencontres" The French-Dutch urban planning meetings 2024

These meetings adressed issues of urban development and the solutions needed to create low-carbon, sustainable and resilient urban ecosystems that promote social cohesion and economic development.

During this 2 days event more than 30 people met to share best practices and discussed appropriate solutions to the modern challenges of urban planning.

This event was the opportunity for French and Dutch urban planners, local professionals & politics to exchange views on urban development objectives and the tools available to achieve them.

On the first day guided sites visits were organised by the Lille's metropolitan urban planning agency.

These visits were followed by a welcome cocktail with François Decoster mayor of Saint-Omer & Vice President of the Hauts de France region.

On the second day after a plenary that allowed to present the urban frame work in both countries the participants worked on the 4 topics they had proposed : 

  • Low-carbon cities : governance, costs, tools and systemic approach
  • Climate impact : the necessary adaptations to urban space
  • Densification : sharing public space and quality of life 
  • Mobility : energy needs, sharing of space above and below ground

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