
HR round table | Job Crafting

Liber Dock, Jollemanhof 12A, 1019 GW, Amsterdam
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Date limite d'inscription : lundi 10 février 2025 - 16h21 (UTC+1)

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HR Committee | Invitation Only

Job crafting is a hot topic. It enables employees to tailor their job to personal qualities and ambitions, leading to higher engagement, productivity and job satisfaction. But what exactly are the forms of job crafting? And how can you introduce or further develop job crafting within your organisation? This roundtable session will cover it all.

Leading this round table session is Neelie Verlinden, an expert in HR developments who has authored hundreds of articles on innovative HR practices. She is also a sought-after speaker at events. Neelie Verlinden will delve into the various forms of job crafting, why organisations should consider it, and the challenges involved. Practical examples of organisations that have successfully implemented job crafting will also be discussed.

This session promises valuable insights and inspiration for exploring whether job crafting is suitable for your organisation or for advancing your job crafting initiatives. Of course, we will also offer the opportunity to exchange experiences with other HR directors experiencing the same opportunities and challenges.

A French breakfast will be provided during the meeting.

This Round Table is made possible by Liber Dock - your legal business partner

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