Conferentie & seminar
CSR Seminar
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Tarief :
Members : Free
Non-members : 50 euros (Excl VAT)
Kindly note to arrive at 15.00 as the seminar will start at 15.30
Het evenement is voorbij
How does Diversity & Inclusion impact the well-being in the workplace?
Kindly note to arrive at 15.00 as the seminar will start at 15.30
Keynote Speaker at 18.00 | Marcia Goddard - Neuroscientist & Founder of Brain Matters Consulting
Corporate Social Responsibility is more than ever high on every company's agenda, whether it is from an environmental, economical, and/or social perspective.
The CCI France Pays-Bas has chosen to focus on one of these important pillars, namely Diversity and Inclusion, with a seminar where several speakers will share their expertise, experience and knowledge.
The companies on stage : Brain Matters Consulting, Equal Recruitment, Geodis, KLM, Publicis One, Sanofi, Sia Partners & Sodexo.
This seminar will help you move forward with your company, whatever stage of development your business is at.
Thanks to concrete examples shared by several speakers, we will take you down the road on :
- what Diversity & Inclusion means
- what successful policies has brought other companies
- how one can implement a more diverse & inclusive recruitment process
- how to contribute to culture change in your teams and implement more inclusive policies
15.00 - 15.30 : Registration & Welcoming. Please plan to arrive on time.
15.30 - 18.30 : Seminar
18.00 - 20.30 : Networking cocktail opens at 18.00 with the Keynote Speech of Marcia Goddard | Neuroscientist & Founder of Brain Matters Consulting.

CSR Seminar
Het evenement is voorbij

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+31 (0)20 562 82 17