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Business Awards 2023

On September 13th, we were proud to celebrate the 10th edition of our Business Awards in De Rode Hoed.

And what a stunning place to honor the French-Dutch relation! A quaint haven beside the canal with reminiscent details of a 17th century’s church.

In the midst of rich velvet curtains, surrounded by balconies and red carpets, we dedicated our evening celebrating so many talented companies that play a crucial role in the French-Dutch commercial exchanges.


After a couple of hours of fruitful networking with some delicious appetizers came the moment of truth: “The Awards Ceremony”.

Our Ceremony Master, Sylvie Craenen, followed by our jury M. L’Ambassadeur François Alabrune, Gwendoline Cazenave, Denis Peeters, Robert Joore, Frank Prillevitz, and Louis Wyers, introduced us the nominees.

Although, each nominee had shown incredible work and development, only one company per category could win.


Business Development FR-NL

In the category Business Development FR-NL, three companies were nominated:

Easy Trip Transports Services

And the winner is …… Easy Trip Transports Services!
Easy Trip furnishes a wide array of travel-related product and services to meet domestic and international requirements such as toll payment across Eurpe, VAT, fuel payment, ferry, and train journey booking and much more!

Business Development NL-FR

The three nominees in the category Business Development NL-FR were :

And the winner is… Silverfit!
Silverfit aims at improving elderly care in a more effective and fun way thanks to computer game technology. It is currently being used in 3900 locations in 22 countries.

Corporate Social Responsibility

In the category Corporate Social Responsibility, four companies were nominated:


And the winner is… SPEEDCOMFORT!
SpeedComfort invented and created the energy saving radiator fan, named SpeedComfort with the intent to help households reducing their CO2 emissions. The SpeedComfort itself is built in the Netherlands by colleagues having a distance to the labor market.

French Entrepreneur

Three companies were nominated in the category French Entrepreneur,


And the winner is…. DELI DEJ!
Deli’Dej had the idea of offering lunch box services to parents with a large choice of good and balanced menus. Their wish was to combine fresh and homemade catering with the least possible waste.


In the category Tech, there was as well 3 nominees.


And the winner is…. PASQAL!
Pasqal has developed Programmable Quantum Simulators and Quantum Computers made of 2D and 3D Atomic Arrays. It recently merged with the Dutch quantum algorithm company Qu&Co to build a pan-European leader in quantum computing.

Coup de Coeur du Jury

Given the great number of amazing companies, our jury couldn’t resist naming its “Coup de Coeur”, to everyone’s surprise!
In this unexpected category, the winner is SANOFI! Its decision to prioritize the well-being of its employees by offering them a 14-week parental leave has won the heart of our jury!


After so many emotions, it is time for us to express our gratitude towards all of you for your presence and for the role each one of you play in the bilateral exchange between our 2 countries.


We would like to deeply thank our sponsors & partners, namely : l’Ambassade France aux Pays-Bas, Business France, ALD Automotive, KLM, Total Energies, Sanofi, Eurostar Group, and Undutchables thanks to whom this event was made possible and for their lasting commitments to the CCI!

Thank you to all our wonderful members for attending our event and most of all for your trust and support!


By your actions and presence, you all made this event and the upcoming ones possible!

Unfortunately, all good things come to an end! But more exciting moments are yet to come. Stay tuned in our LinkedIn!


We are looking forward to seeing you again at one of our events!

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