Netwerken  •  Conferentie & seminar

Conference & Networking : AI meets PMO

Codam, Kattenburgerstraat 5, Gebouw 039, 1018 JA, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas
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Inschrijven vóór : donderdag 08 mei 2025 - 00h00 (UTC+2)

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The CCI France Pays-Bas, in partnership with MIGSO-PCUBED, is pleased to invite you to an inspiring event exploring how AI can enhance project management performance of today and next years, followed by a networking cocktail.  

Learn how to prepare your teams to harness AI tools and methods that can improve project management performance—from the Digital PMO to the AI PMO (Project Management Office), with concrete industrial case study.

This event requires no prior knowledge of AI so register now!


8 mai 2025

17.30 - 18.00 | Welcome
18.00 - 18.45 | Conference
18.45 - 20.30 | Networking Cocktail

Codam, Kattenburgerstraat 5, Gebouw 039, 1018 JA, Amsterdam



MIGSO Netherlands, part of MIGSO PCUBED, is the global leader in PMO and project management consulting.

Our mission is to empower our clients to achieve unparalleled project control and delivery success through innovative solutions and AI-driven insights.

Our solutions equip project leaders with cutting-edge AI skills and tools, enabling them to make data-driven decisions and achieve expected results.


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Uw contactpersonen

Manager Ledennetwerk en Evenementen
+31  (0)20 562 82 17

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