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New member | Scents design Studio

Founded in 2019, Scents Design Studio is a consulting company specialising in the field of perfumery.


We offer turnkey services. Brands wishing to launch their range of scented products, including development (perfume, packaging, design), and production. Companies wishing to strengthen their identity by creating their own olfactory signature. To be diffused/sprayed or to offer to your best customers.


Trainings for an audience of professionals, perfumeries, product managers.
Offer a personalised perfume creation session with an expert to your VIP customers. Organise a team-building animation with your employees.


Strategic advice to multinationals and companies on how to address their scented product line challenges and gain a competitive advantage. Entrust us with your problem and we will take care of finding suitable solutions.



Artistic or during ephemeral events.

For more information : 

Scents design Studio 

Website, LinkedIn


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