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Women's Day Lunch 2020
On March 5th, the French Chamber of Commerce organized its 13th Edition of the Women's Day Lunch. This year, our keynotes speakers were Anne Rigail, Chief Executive Officer Air France and Janet Dekker, Executive VP Human Resources Air France-KLM Group.
It was the perfect occasion for these two successful women to discuss about equality and women's empowerment in the industry. On top of that, in order to make it even more perfect, the 100 guests present had the chance to enjoy a gourmet meal at the Sofitel Legend The Grand Amsterdam.
The Lunch started with a welcoming speech done by Emmy Stoel, General Manager at Hotel Sofitel Legend The Grand. We would like to warmly thank her for her presence and also thank her team for the energy they have put into making this event so special.
After a delicious starter, Anne Rigailand Janet Dekkertook the floor. They talked about their career but also about themselves and we would especially like to thank them for this.
The discussion was both inspirational and natural and the guests enjoyed hearing about their thoughts regarding female leadership.
“I was never held back during my career. I was pushed forward. And today I am the one pushing others as parity won't happen naturally. We must ensure we recruit and promote women in the same proportion as women applying for a recruitment or a promotion.” Anne Rigail, Air France CEO.
“I have learnt from what I like to call Career Transitions that, for each career move you make, you take experience and expertise with you. So challenge yourself and know that you must learn from both terrible and beautiful events to move forward.”Janet Dekker, EVP HR Manager Air France KLM.
We would like to thank one last time our keynotes speakers Anne Rigail and Janet Dekker for their participation and their trust. Thank you to Air France and Air France-KLM Group for having made this event possible, as well as the Sofitel The Grand Hotel for their hospitality and their amazing work. Also, thanks Chanelfor its support, our guests were delighted.
Last but not least, we would like to thank our guests, for their interest, participation and their interesting questions that enriched our interchange.
You can find the pictures of the event in the photo gallery bellow.
We look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming events!