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« Wine & Cheese Networking Cocktail » with TMF Group
On 17 October, members of the Business Club met at TMF Group for a fabulous "Wine & Cheese" Networking Cocktail.
The evening was marked by dynamic exchanges, enriching discussions and excellent networking opportunities.
Global Business Complexity Index 2024 (GBCI)
The highlight of the evening was a presentation by Andriy Selifonov, Market Head of Business Development at TMF Group, who outlined the key findings of the Global Business Complexity Index 2024 (GBCI).
This annual report, based on an analysis of 79 jurisdictions representing 93% of the world's GDP, provides an overview of the trends influencing business complexity in the areas of accounting, management of global entities and human resources.
Among the notable findings, the study reveals that the Netherlands and the UK are among the most accessible countries in which to do business, while Greece has overtaken France as the most complex jurisdiction. This report is an essential tool for companies seeking to navigate the complexities of international markets, providing them with valuable data to better anticipate future challenges.
You can download it > HERE <
A raffle full of surprises
To add a festive touch to the event, a raffle was organised. The prizes? A magnum of wine, in keeping with the theme of the evening!
Congratulations to Thomas Dasselaar, Senior Associate avocat and Tax Lawyer at Van Doorne, who won this magnificent prize!
A gourmet evening thanks to Joost & Joost
Throughout the evening, the members present enjoyed a refined selection of wines and cheeses provided by Joost&Joost, adding a gourmet touch to an already successful evening.
Thank you to TMF Group and Priscilla Schraal LLM as well as the entire TMF Group team for this warm welcome. Thank you also to those present for having contributed to making this evening an unforgettable moment of conviviality and networking.

About TMF Group
TMF Group is a global business specialising in the provision of essential business services such as accounting, tax, payroll, fund administration and legal entity management. With over 10,000 employees in 125 offices covering 86 jurisdictions, TMF helps clients comply with local regulations, protect their reputation and maintain operational compliance.