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SPIE supports Amsterdam City Council in achieving sustainability goals

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Amsterdam, 30 October 2023 – SPIE Nederland, the Dutch subsidiary of SPIE, the independent European leader in multi-technical services in the areas of energy and communications, will ensure, for the next nine years, the maintenance of electrical and mechanical infrastructure in 27 buildings belonging to the City of Amsterdam. The Council has opted for a long-term consulting and management partnership for multi-year maintenance and the implementation of innovation and sustainability


SPIE Nederland’s Building Solutions operational division secured two of the three lots included in the city’s call for tenders for the maintenance of municipal buildings. Lot 1 covers 11 buildings, including landmarks such as the mayor’s official residence, the City Archives and various Public Health Service (GGD) buildings. Lot 2 covers 16 buildings, including several district offices. Work will involve preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance, replacement maintenance and sustainability projects, depending on the facility. During the tender process, the SPIE team performed particularly well in the latter category. 


A focus on quality for each lot
Tender Manager Olivier Goores at SPIE Nederland explained the goals of the tender: “The City of Amsterdam is very ambitious: it wants not only to be ahead of national and international targets, but to lead and inspire its residents, entrepreneurs and institutions as well. The Real Estate and Housing departments must therefore set an example with their own buildings and infrastructure.” 

SPIE presented a convincing case to the City’s decision makers. In addition to calculations for several thousand assets, the company produced specific quality documents for every lot. Most importantly, these include a business case for sustainability that maps out the most sustainable and feasible scenario for each building. 

The documents also demonstrated our vision and approach for the transition and determination phase; how we give substance to comprehensive performance-based management and maintenance; an execution plan for replacements, and a tactical management report.” details Olivier Goores. 


A long track record
SPIE has a long history with the customer, and all parties involved are looking forward to this partnership with confidence. In the coming months, the properties will be assessed and a plan of action will be developed to make each building more sustainable. PULSE Core, SPIE Nederland’s building management platform, will play a significant role in ensuring that the indoor environments of City properties in Amsterdam comply with the national ‘Healthy Offices’ Program of Requirements (PoR)1  for air quality, climate, light and noise.

1. Program of Requirements (PoRs) - Programs of Requirements (PoRs) are a way of expressing wishes concerning a new building or a building to be renovated. In the Netherlands, PoRs have been drawn up for the indoor environmental quality (IEQ) of offices and schools.

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