Nieuws van bedrijven
Recruit your future talents from a Top Business School in France
MBS assists companies in the recruitment of interns, apprentices, or experienced talents.
MBS places companies at the heart of the student’s career path and there are regular opportunities for them to meet and find converging interests.
Recruit our talents :
- English or French-speaking students with a fluent level of English
- 2 to 6 months
- April to december
From different levels :
- Bachelor Year 1 : mandatory internship 2 to 4 months
- Bachelor Year 2 : optional internship 1 to 4 months
- Master in Management year 2 : optional internship 2 to 4 months
- Master of Science Year 2 : mandatory professional period 4 to 6 months
What profile can I recruit ?
The most common functions :
- 34 % Marketing / Communication
- 21 % Business Development
- 16 % Finance
- 10 % HR - Administration
Save the date | International job dating : internships and jobs on Friday 23 rd February
Deadline for company registrations : 5 February
Make an appointment
I've recruited MBS students in the past. If you've already recruited students with us, contact our Corporate Relations Manager Cynthia Labadie to help you with your next recruitments. You can schedule a call.
This is the first time I'll recruit a MBS student. Please contact Nikol Myroshnychenko in charge of international corporate relations. You can schedule a call.
More information :
Join MBS on Linkedln : Montpellier Business School