Nieuwe leden
Nieuw MKB-lid: Majencia
French leader in office furniture and workplace layout, Majencia provides its clients with in-house expertise thanks to its 730 employees, its 5 manufacturing sites in France and its 11 sales branches and distribution platforms.
Committed to corporate responsibility, Majencia, is one of the first companies to receive “mature” ISO 26000 status in 2011 and places the three pillars of sustainable development at the heart of its strategy.
The company offers a large product range (desks and tables, partitions, storages, seating, accessories) as well as services for workplace layout. It aims to combine quality of life, wellness and performance by considering workplaces in their entirety as living areas. Thanks to modular and customised solutions meeting the requirements of new ways of working and managing, workplace fit-out becomes a mean to support the company strategy.
Thanks to its French leadership the group is also operating internationally and has expertise to manage projects all over the world. Herewith some client references: Atos, Audi, BNP Paribas, Carrefour, Crédit Agricole, Disney, EDF, L’Oréal, United Nations, Orange, NATO, Safran, Sanofi, Sodexo, Thalys, Total et Veolia en France et à travers le monde.
The contact persons at Majencia are:
Nicolas Mayeranoff
Business Developer
+33 6 07 48 63 22
Barbara Ablasser
Business Development Manager Europe