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Book day

The Literary Translation Factory and the Dutch Goncourt Choice 2024-2025

L’Institut français NL and Platform Frans, in partnership with the Amsterdam Public Library, are organising the third event in the La Fabrique de la traduction littéraire series on 21 March 2025 to address the challenges of literary translation in the Franco-Dutch cultural context.




While the translation of French-language literature plays a key role in Franco-Dutch cultural exchanges, it is now facing major challenges, not least the rise of artificial intelligence. This rapidly expanding technology is sparking debate about its potential impact on the quality and sensitivity of literary translations. At the same time, institutional approaches vary between France and the Netherlands, influencing the recognition and support given to translators. How are these dynamics shaping the future of literary translation? These are just some of the questions that will be at the heart of the programme's discussions.

The event will close with the announcement of the winning author, Choix Goncourt des Pays-Bas 2024-2025, who will have been chosen on the same day by a Dutch student jury. Initiated by the Institut français NL, the Choix Goncourt des Pays-Bas gives Dutch students the opportunity to discover works of contemporary French-language literature, to take part in a reading committee, to choose their favourite work and to argue their choice.

Date and time : 21 March 2025, 14.45 

Place : OBA Oosterdok

City : Amsterdam

Languages : french, dutch

Access: Free


12.30-14.30 :

Literary Translation Workshop Led by Kiki Coumans (Winner of the Dr. Elly Jaffé Translation Prize 2025). Excerpt from Monique s’évade by Édouard Louis, translated into Dutch by Kiki Coumans.

The translation workshop has a limited number of spots. Priority will be given to students of French language and culture from Radboud University Nijmegen, Utrecht University, and the University of Amsterdam.

14.45-15.30 :

Conference and Debate: "Literary Translation and Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and Perspectives"

  • Ana Guerberof Arenas, Associate Professor in Translation Technology, University of Groningen
  • Francis Mus, Lecturer in French Language and Culture and Translation Studies, Ghent University
  • Mireille Cohendy, French translator from Dutch
  • Eva Wissenburg, Dutch translator from French

16.00-16.20 :

Presentations by two Dutch Publishing Houses (to be confirmed)

16.20-17.00 :

Round Table "Recognition and Promotion of the Translator’s Profession in France and the Netherlands: Residencies, Dissemination of Works, Institutions, and Literary Journals"

  • Mireille Cohendy, French translator from Dutch
  • Eva Wissenburg, Translator
  • Hanna Barral, Project Manager for Books and Publishing, Institut Français Paris
  • Pascale Fila, Book Program Officer, Institut Français NL
  • Representative from the Nederlands Letterenfonds (to be confirmed)
  • Francis Mus, Lecturer in French Language and Culture and Translation Studies, Ghent University

Moderator: Maaike Koffeman, Radboud University Nijmegen

17.00 : Announcement of the Winner of the Choix Goncourt des Pays-Bas 2024-2025

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